How Banks Enhance Digital Options to Boost Online Conversions
Our playbook, created by Banking Dive and Glia, explores how a single platform for all your channel vendors improves the customer experience.
Banking customers prefer to connect digitally with their financial institutions—and they have plenty of options. From chat, text and social media to voice, video and CoBrowsing, banks have invested deeply in technology to make it easier for customers to apply for loans and credit cards, open accounts and find answers to their questions—all online.
These digital interactions can increase conversions when they can move from one to the other seamlessly. For example, a customer who poses a question in chat about choosing a credit card might want to switch to a voice call to dive into the details. In this playbook, you’ll learn the benefits of connecting all your interactions through a single platform, including:
- The staffing efficiencies of removing channel silos
- Targeted tools for team members to walk customers through to conversion
- The ability to route customers based on their digital activities.
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